INVITATION FOR BID PROPOSALS: LIT Technical Arts Renovation and Replacement, Phase 2, Package 2

INVITATION FOR BID PROPOSALS: SETEX Construction Corp. will receive Competitive Sealed Proposals hand delivered or mailed to: 1660 S. 23rd Street, Beaumont, Texas 77707, you can also fax to (409) 842-2274 or email to until 2:00 PM on Tuesday, August 16, 2016 RENOVATION AND REPLACEMENT OF TECHNICAL ARTS BUILDINGS…

Invitation to Bid – Lamar University New Music Annex Building

This project consists of the construction for the new 4000 square foot pre-engineered metal building in accordance with drawings and specifications prepared by the Architect. If you’d like to review plans and specs please click this link below:

PAISD Phase 3 Package

Drawings for Port Arthur 9th Grade Phase 3 Package will be available after the 19th. Pre-Bid will be April 28th at 10:30AM. Please mark this on your calendar if you’d like to bid! If you’d like to bid please email us at for more information.

Invitation to Bid

SETEX would like to extend an open invitation to bid for the Port Arthur Independent School District’s Memorial High School 9th Grade Academy Civil – Structural Phase 2 Package. Competitive Sealed Proposals are DUE by 2:00PM Tuesday, April 5th, 2016. If you are interested in looking into this job, please contact…